Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Guide add alert changelog like CyanogenMod

Guide add ChangeLog

Tested on A75A* sc7731

okay, let's start

1. Decompile your settings.apk

2. Merge the files

    note!: set perm 644 for CHANGELOG-ROM.txt

3. Add this line in string.xml above </resources>

< string name="changelog_title">Changelog< /string>
< string name="changelog_title_summary">View recent changes in ROM< /string>
< string name="changelog_loading">Loading changelog...< /string>
< string name="changelog_error">Unable to load changelog< /string>
< string name="changelog_unknown">Unknown< /string>
< string name="changelog_version">Version< /string>

4. Add this line in device_info_settings.xml

< PreferenceScreen android:title="@string/changelog_title" android:key="changelog" android:summary="@string/changelog_title_summary" android:fragment="com.rentjong.changelog.ChangeLog" />

5. Now Recompile and Decompile for Replacing public id

     #0x7f090ad3 #

< public type="string" name="changelog_error" id="0x7f090ad3" />

6. Recompile, sign, Finish...

7. Reboot !


Guide add alert changelog like CyanogenMod

Rewritten by
-Aryo Wysata

Original post by
-Venkat Kamesh @xda

Thanks to

Venkat Kamesh
XDA Group
Rentjong Os
Y0U :*
Me (Aryo Wysata)

Wed, 26-Jul-2017 Jatirejo, Nagan Raya, Aceh.