Saturday, June 15, 2019

Contextual header revised with switches on/off

Contextual header revised

Contextual header revised

Tested on A75A* sc7731

Ok, Let's start

1. Decompile your SystemUI.apk

2. Merge all files

3. Added this line in status_bar_expanded_header.xml

< com.rentjong.switches.LayoutOffVisibility android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" key="rentjong_contextual_header">
	< com.rentjong.contextual.Contextual android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
< /com.rentjong.switches.LayoutOffVisibility>

    above line


   look at "compare" file

4. Recompile, sign. wait.... !

5. Decompile your Settings.apk

6. Merge all files

7. Add this line in display_settings.xml

< com.rentjong.switches.SwitchOffPreference android:title="Contextual Header" android:key="rentjong_contextual_header" android:defaultValue="false" />

8. Recompile, sign, Finish...

Sorry if the guide is less clear ....


Contextual header revised with switches

Thanks to 

Y0U :*
Me (Aryo Wysata)

Fri, 18-Aug-2017 Jatirejo, Nagan Raya, Aceh.