Monday, April 16, 2018

Guide fake kernel version without edit build.prop

Fake kernel

Tested on A75A* sc7731

okay, let's start

1. Decompile your settings.apk

2. Open DeviceInfoSettings.smali

3. Search this method

.method public static getFormattedKernelVersion()Ljava/lang/String;

4. Change "proc/version" to "proc/version1"

5. Scroll down and you'll find "Unavailable"

6. Now, take a look on that and change the kernel name on to it (Your best kernel name  :') )

7. Recompile, sign, Finish... 

8. Reboot...

Thanks To

Yousef Algadri@XDA
Rentjong OS
Y0U :*
Me (Aryo Wysata)

Mon, 16-Apr-2018 Jatirejo, Nagan Raya, Aceh